Data Realms Fan Forums

Resolution (mac)
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Author:  juju02 [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Resolution (mac)

Ok, I haven't been here for like 3 years. I have B26 on my mac, and it does not go fullscreen, said resolution wasn't supported. So i switched it to the presets to see if it would and it didn't. The problem is when i installed it, it was a custom resolution, 5-someting by something. And now it looks all funky. So, anyone know the original resolution setting on a mac? and yes, i know where to change it, i just don't know what it was.

Author:  juju02 [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resolution (mac)

nevermind, figured it out. However, can anyone tell me why tattaboogies 360 driver for mac doesn't work on CC? the joysticks don't work, and no matter how i map the look buttons, he won't move his head.

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