Data Realms Fan Forums

Nothing opening whatsoever (B23)
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Author:  will1b [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Nothing opening whatsoever (B23)

Yes, I mean nothing. Task manager doesn't even acknowledge it opening, no error message

And, some info about how I'm running it:

Running as an Admin on an Admin account
Tried compatibility mode for XP SP3
Running a firewall, but given EVERY files unrestricted access to my PC (Even the .bmps!)

My specs:
Intel i5 Lynnfield 760 (2.8GHz quad core CPU)
ATi Radeon HD 5770 (1GB)
Mushkin Redline 2133MHz 8GB (2x4GB)
Asus P7H55-M (Not sure how my motherboard would come into play)

Unsure what else would be useful, but ask and I shall provide. I don't own the game, but I'm just trying out the demo version. I'm likely to get it at some point.

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