Data Realms Fan Forums

RTE Error
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Author:  eddiej118 [ Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  RTE Error

I get this error message every time the game tries to load up:

abort in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 534, because:

Referring to an instance ('Base.rte/Blunderbuss') to copy from that hasn't been defined! in Bse.rte/Scenes/Physics Test.ini at line 52!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

I have uninstalled and reinstalled to game a number of times now everytime from a newly downloaded installed, but keep getting the same error message. Please can you tell me what I need to do to fix it?

I can't find Bse.rte/Scenes/Physics Test.ini in the directory, but there is a Base.rte/Scenes/Scenes/Physics Test.ini, I can't see a line 52 so I'll post the entire thing.

AddScene = Scene
PresetName = Physics Test
Description = For testing physics.
LocationOnPlanet = Vector
X = 0
Y = 0
GlobalAcceleration = Vector
X = 0
Y = 20

Terrain = SLTerrain
PresetName = Physics Test Terrain
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Terrains/Test.bmp
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 1.0
Y = -1.0
BackgroundTexture = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Textures/DirtDark.bmp

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Near Layer
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Clouds Layer
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Sky Layer

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