Data Realms Fan Forums

Cant play campaing
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Author:  kikbow [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Cant play campaing

I go to the campaing, set the number of sites to the max, put me vs a AI.
Then, all i can do is scanning. If i put money on the trip, it just gets reseted to 250, so it always asks me to press space to lead me back to the level select. I tried putting lots of money, almost no money, it always goes back to 250. :roll:

Author:  Timppa [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cant play campaing

The campaign AI does not work anyways (You just instantly win once you get there), so you do not lose much.

Author:  kikbow [ Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cant play campaing

Oh. Why do they even put a "AI" choice if its not working yet? they could only put it there when they actually made it do something...

Author:  Camalaio [ Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cant play campaing

The reason is, this game is basically still pre-release. The campaign is a very recent new feature, and the news post even mentions that the Campaign is in its alpha stage. A lot of alpha-stage stuff doesn't quite work at all even, so it's nice to see where it could go anyway.

AI is not available for the campaign, however, you can play with a friend. At this point, I believe part of the point in releasing it as-is is to have a larger testing group.

Besides, if we all keep bugging Data about infrequent releases then soon after complain about lack of polish on a release, all we're doing is complaining and not being the "loving fan-base" that some say we are.

Summary: It's in the alpha stage of development. Some things will not work to completion yet, in fact most things won't. It's a starting point and foundation.

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