Strange issue with *Fresh* install of B25
I just wiped my CC install (Too many mods to bother making everything work) and go to play some fresh B25. This is what happens.
It gets to Missions.rte, and crashes
The Game wrote:
RTE Aborted! (x_x)"
Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, Line 534, because:
Referring to an instance ('Ronin/Spaz12') to copy from that hasn't been defined!
in Missions.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini at line 32!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
As far as I can tell, the two shotguns are called the spa
z1200 and the spa
s12. It seems, however, that my game's Skirmish Activities.ini has it listed as a spa
z12. I have reinstalled the game twice, and I have tried manually altering this file (to no avail, somehow booting the game reverts this file to its original state? wtf?)
Any help would be deeply appreciated. I've been loving this game since B16, but my technical aptitude is limited to READING the ini files, not editing them.