Data Realms Fan Forums

Mouse cursor too slow | Logitech G500
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Author:  MiMaMeidr [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Mouse cursor too slow | Logitech G500

Hi everyone,

just bought the game. But I can't play it, because the mouse cursor is way to slow (y-axis is to slow, x-axis is normal). :(
I use a Logitech G500 on Win 7 64bit.
I tried changing the DPI count with my Logitech, even switching to fullscreen doesn't help. I even tried different resolutions. Nothing... :???:

The cursors is really slow, except I move it fast, then it seems to be normal speed. Anyone has a clue why this happens?!
(This probem doesn't occur in other Games or Apps)



Author:  Lizardheim [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mouse cursor too slow | Logitech G500

Go to the setpoint software and turn off "use native drivers for mouse movement and acceleration".

Author:  MiMaMeidr [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mouse cursor too slow | Logitech G500

Hi thanx,

it seems to work better now, but the y-axis is still a bit slower. Is this normal?!



Edit: Shooting and stuff is ok, but menu control sucks...

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