Data Realms Fan Forums

Skirmish mode not spawning baddies.
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Author:  Corky [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Skirmish mode not spawning baddies.

As the title implies: the A.I. sometimes won't spawn any bad guys, unless I don't have any turrets or soldiers set.

This glitch / bug is really bothering me, and all I wanted to do was watch invading drop-ships be brought down in a glorious hail of machine gun fire!

Also, when I spawn a gun for a soldier in editor mode, the soldiers cannot pick it up.

Author:  KnightD [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Skirmish mode not spawning baddies.

I'm actually having the same problem. I've tried changing the CPU to every different team to no avail. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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