Skirmish defense crashes/freezes :(
I just bought the other day the Humble Indie Bundle 2 version of cortex command and was very very happy
...But then my old friend Murphy's law came to bust down my door again thought t'd be funny that when I play Skirmish Defense, after about a minute or two of playing the game will freeze up
When it does freeze up, the music keeps going and sound will loop (eg. if someone was using their jetpack, that'll keep playing) and I can't press anything.
I am running no mods, completely vanilla B24. I tried changing deltatime according to this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14593&start=0 but it still freezes after a minute or so (before and after).
I also read something about CC not being multithreaded, so I tried setting it to run using only one core, but if anything I think that made it freeze faster >.>
I can't remember which, but I used to played some of the trial versions a whiiiiile back and I could play forever with no problems.
I am thinking it's something to do with how many actors there are, seeing as I do end up with a ton D:. Plus all of the other scenarios run fine and don't crash.
My specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66GHz (4 CPUs)
4 GB
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285
Running Windows 7 Professional x64
Any help would be great!