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CC crashing at startup on Ubuntu 10.10 x64
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Author:  RuBeLL [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  CC crashing at startup on Ubuntu 10.10 x64

I have the Humble Bundle version, it seems to install properly but crashes each time i try to launch it returning the following popup window :


Any fixes ?

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC crashing at startup on Ubuntu 10.10 x64

The fix for this seems to be to download the 32bit version, as per this person who had the same problem.

Author:  RuBeLL [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC crashing at startup on Ubuntu 10.10 x64

TnX :)

Author:  tharsade [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC crashing at startup on Ubuntu 10.10 x64

2 years later and this is still a problem.

I'm running version cortex_command-1.0rc1-linux-amd64.bin with sha1:

I ran an strace and found a number of seeming typos (mmp and mpp file extensions?).

The first crash is caused trying to load one of two files from Base.rte/GUIs/Skins/MainMenu: text.mpp or text000.bmp
I had text.bmp, but neither of the other two. I copied text.bmp to text000.bmp.

The next crash is caused by trying to load hsize.mmp or hsize000.bmp.
I had hsize.bmp, but neither of the other two. I copied hsize.bmp to hsize000.bmp.

The next crash is caused by trying to load smallfnnt.bmp or smallfnnt000.bmp.
I had smallfont.bmp, so I copied it to smallfnnt.bmp.

Next: can't load brownuii.bmp or brownuii000.bmp.
Copied browngui.bmp to brownuii.bmp.

At this point we lose any of the popups and get a straight segmentation fault. strace shows something along these lines:
    * open ConsoleSkin.ini, read, then close it.
    * fails to open text.mpp, opens text000.bmp, read, then close it.
    * fails to open hsize.mmp, opens hsize000.bmp, read, then close it.
    * open ConsoleGUI.ini, reads from it.
    * open smallfnnt.bmp, many reads, then close it.
    * open brownuii.bmp, many reads, then close it.
    * closes ConsoleGUI.ini
    * CRAaASH immediately after closing the file

Don't know if devs look around here, but maybe this will help track down the 64 bit probs.

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