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Task Manager Weird Problem
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Author:  DouKos [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Task Manager Weird Problem

Hello, i'm experiencing a weird problem, after playing some time Cortex Command sometimes the game freezes... forever.. like a crush, i know that's not a big deal... but when i exit to task manager i'm shocked to see that it has around 5-6 cortexcommand.exe in progress. When i terminate one of them the game stops as usual but the other .exes still remain and still running for no apparent reason. I have to terminate all of them to free up the system resources. Is that because the game freezes or is it just a programme glitch with no apparent cause?

P.S. Also, is there a way to minimize the particles (i dont know whats it called) because its a shame having a high end rig and lagging all the time when using a modded uber super weapon blasting the map to pieces and getting as much as 5 fps

Author:  411570N3 [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Task Manager Weird Problem

Persistent processes after a crash is a programming glitch, yes.
Also, there isn't really a way to reduce lag from particles beyond using less particles and hence not using ridiculous superweapons. Alternatively, look into one of the many Lua based superweapons which allow for large-scale death with minimal particle usage and, hence, lag.
Also, whilst there is no way to reduce lag from using large amounts of particles, you might be able to reduce lag using this excellent guide by Geti.

Author:  vagyr [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Task Manager Weird Problem

go to base.rte/settings and change these
   PostProcessing = 1
   PostPixelGlow = 1

   PostProcessing = 0
   PostPixelGlow = 0

and while i am not sure for the first one the second one will surly lower the lag since all glows will be gone
   DeltaTime =
change this to somthing like this DeltaTime = 0.025
also follow allstones advice

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