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Buy menu freezes in skirmish, how to swap enemy types
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Author:  madmonkey43 [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Buy menu freezes in skirmish, how to swap enemy types

this has probably been a problem in the past to others, but, having recently purchased cortex command i find (even without any mods in the folder) that whenever i open the buy menu in skirmish the game freezes. :roll: i know about the search bar and have found solutions that did not work for me... im worried i will not be able to use my Reg. key again if i uninstall and reinstall Cortex, so im basically stuck. Anyone who knows any fixes for this of any kind, Can you Plz Help MEES? :x i'm having an extremely boring day as it is

Edit: okay i swapped the Base.rte with one from a newly installed cortex from a different directive, Reg. Keyed it without mods and it worked fine. however, i put the mods back in and it freezes. i have noticed that the enemy type has changed to some Actor pack i downloaded; how do i switch it back to default enemies / use ones from other mod packs?

Author:  Disst [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buy menu freezes in skirmish, not story without mods

yeah, when its uninstalled the key is unregistered, so its reusable. the menu bug is fixed in B23.

Author:  madmonkey43 [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buy menu freezes in skirmish, how to swap enemy types

i'll try to put mods in one by one and see what happens

Edit: right, turned out to be the Alteisen arsenal labs mod which i removed, and know i am being r@p3d by Crobo, which is fine. if i wanted to change what faction i fought, how would i do that? i've seen people talking about 'bracketing out' in the Missions.ini or Activities.ini... it's not that i don't understand what this means, its just i dont want to get this wrong and destroy my game again :P

Author:  Disst [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buy menu freezes in skirmish, how to swap enemy types

SEARCH. goddamn, there are hundreds of 'how do i change who i fight' threads out there!

Author:  madmonkey43 [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buy menu freezes in skirmish, how to swap enemy types

3POK_PHALE wrote:
SEARCH. goddamn, there are hundreds of 'how do i change who i fight' threads out there!

Jeez soz getting Cortex to work was my prority, i know about the search bar SEE ABOVE but you didn't need to get like that :(

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