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Old modification not working? and mac newer than windows?
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Author:  DummyFaction [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Old modification not working? and mac newer than windows?

yeah since the coalition files that are old is stored in base.rte? maybe? I don't know, i just started CC and quote
Mac users actually have a newer version than Windows users. TRAVESTY!

Looks to me like they decided to change around some of the PresetNames. There's nothing really you can do right now except find some good find/replace program for Mac and a list of all the PresetNames that need to be changed (I have a Windows-side B22 list here.) You could also just find/replace them as you get errors, but that would take forever for the bigger mods.

Otherwise you'll just have to wait until build 23 or whenever we all have (about) the same version.

I WAS LIKE WTF?!!! NEWER VERSION!? LOL, people were still saying "will there be mac version?" back then i was like wtf, because the other day I notice a "Uber cannon" being in the buy menu and then when I try to buy it on the PC it doesn't show up, CC is awesome, the best game I've ever played as sandbox and RTS. and I was wondering has the faction and devices and stuff change directory? I really like those mods, any way to fix this? like it saids it must locate torsob in Base.rte/Coalition/actors/torsob.bmp but it isn't there

Author:  Duh102 [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old modification not working? and mac newer than windows?

DummyFaction wrote:
and I was wondering has the faction and devices and stuff change directory? I really like those mods, any way to fix this?

Yes, stuff changed directories and names, and yes, there is sort of a way to fix this. Assuming no variables were added or changed between PC version and Mac version, theoretically you could delete all of the basegame .rtes from the PC version, copy in the .rtes from the Mac version, and have instant compatibility, once the PC users got used to the new locations.
However, if there were variables added or changed, then there would be issues that could not be fixed.

Author:  DummyFaction [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old modification not working? and mac newer than windows?

Duh102 wrote:
DummyFaction wrote:
and I was wondering has the faction and devices and stuff change directory? I really like those mods, any way to fix this?

Yes, stuff changed directories and names, and yes, there is sort of a way to fix this. Assuming no variables were added or changed between PC version and Mac version, theoretically you could delete all of the basegame .rtes from the PC version, copy in the .rtes from the Mac version, and have instant compatibility, once the PC users got used to the new locations.
However, if there were variables added or changed, then there would be issues that could not be fixed.

meh, I think I'd rather code it, wouldn't want anything to happen to my GoldValue = 0 stuff :p

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