Data Realms Fan Forums

Screen Freezes
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Author:  Flammablezombie [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Screen Freezes

I'm using mac build 22, and when I try to select bodies menu the game freezes. No explenation, no reason, I check all the mods I installed on the day the problem started and nothing comes up. HELP? The mods I installed on the day the problem developed are:

Any reason this might happen? Please help if you can. I really want to play CC.
EDIT: I removed Incredidoor and all of the other mods (I didn't list because I removed them) and it still freezes! Anyone know? What happens here???????
EDIT: PLEEEAAASSSEEE I'M BEGGING ANYONE TO HELP! I am so totally addicted to this goddamn game...

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Screen Freezes

I would suggest reinstalling to see if it fixes it. If not, I can't help you much.

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