Data Realms Fan Forums

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Author:  RedSarge [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  WHERE IS BUILD 22

OK GOSH! I MEAN BUILD 21!~!!!!! argfh!

So I can get my stinking settings .ini file from it to use in Build 22?

Where is the download for older builds (im literally hitting my keyboard now!)
WHERE DA F*CK ARE THEY! I can't play this silly game that cost me money with some damn controls! :x

UPDATE.. OK I found it myself, no thanks to anyone here except the modders that keep things new. Since this forum is about as helpful as bullet in the ass!


Author:  TheLastBanana [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WHERE IS BUILD 22

You realize that you posted it today?
And that it may take more than a couple hours for people to respond on this?
It's not a chatroom.
The reason you got no response is that you typed the title in wrong and couldn't be arsed to change it to what it should be. Thus, nobody looked at it.
In the future, when looking for a build, try looking at the topic in general that has almost every build, ever.
Or searching. That can be helpful.

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