Data Realms Fan Forums

Going insane here... Memory reference Error.
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Author:  BEANME [ Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Going insane here... Memory reference Error.

Jesus Christ, I'm going to lose it here.
This error happens randomly. I just got through about 20-30 minutes into the game, having lots of fun, and then this friggin' thing shows up:


I'm going to bust a nut trying to figure out just what the crap is going on.
If anyone knows why this is happening, you just saved me a nut.
Please save my nut.

Edit: I do realize that there is a FAQ and it mentions this, but this one says, "The memory could not be WRITTEN", not READ. I dunno if they're the same or not, but, you know, better safe than sorry?

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Going insane here... Memory reference Error.

Most likely not fixable. I would recommend unloading any large mods, or lots of small ones if you have them, and try to keep background processes to a minimum. It's probably related to the spate of problems Data incurred through the last couple builds, bugs that need to be dealt with.

Author:  whitty [ Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Going insane here... Memory reference Error.

It's random.

This used to happen to me a lot, then it started doing it less and less. Nothing you can do about it. :???:

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