Data Realms Fan Forums

Graphics trouble
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Author:  solarshado [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Graphics trouble

I can start the game just fine, i does give me an error (something about "mode not supported, using default(VGA)"), but starts just fine. but after a minute or so, the graphics get scrambled. it's only happened once with this version, but it happened several times with an earlier one (then i couldn't get throught the intro move). this time first i notice that the cursor wouldn't move, then the screen blanked out and came back scrambled, like a tv channel you can't get to come in properly(more like at all). the only way to recover from the error is to re-boot (usually have to use the "pull-the-cord-from-the-wal" method). I can't remember where, but i recall seeing an error from windows saying something about my graphics driver.

Windows Vista (32-bit)
3 GB ram (shared)
gfx card: "NVIDIA GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M" (copied from device manager)
driver version: "" (also copied from device manager)
i've looked for driver updates, and can't find any

Ideas? I've heard many good things about this game and thisis really starting to bug me.

EDIT: nevermind, sorry! apparently there have been updates released since last i checked! It's working fine now.

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