Data Realms Fan Forums

Freezes trying to use the buy menu: DSTech Mod
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Author:  Corruptfire [ Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Freezes trying to use the buy menu: DSTech Mod

I'm using the DSTech mod, and i'm trying to use the activities.ini it provides. But it seems every time I try to do this, playing the game and opening the buy menu in-game, the game freezes and I have to force it to crash.

Without using the activities.ini, i'm able to use the buy menu.. And all i'm really wanting is to fight against these guys. Any help?

Author:  undertech [ Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Freezes trying to use the buy menu: DSTech Mod

Go into the activities.ini for DSTech, and reduce your starting money to something below 100000.

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