Data Realms Fan Forums

Bought license keys, received keys, registration invalid.
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Author:  Subobisis [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Bought license keys, received keys, registration invalid.

I've read through the threads, and have the notion I may have to send an email either to datarealms or scancode but I wanted to save them the trouble and see if I can fix the problem here. I tried copying and pasting the license key into the registration form, but it doesn't allow me to paste. I've copied the key in by hand in a number of ways, with and without hyphens, spaces, case sensitive and not. I bought the game today and have my billing email and confirmation/registration information. In the past when dealing with activations such as these my keys has usually been a four series of 4 numbers each( ****-****-****-****), separated by hyphens, this license key, on the other hand, only includes 3 digits in the first series (***-****-****-****). I'm not sure if that is revalent, but I appreciate any help yall can offer!

Author:  undertech [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought license keys, received keys, registration invalid.

The first string does indeed have only 3 characters. Try resetting your key at (am I sounding like a broken record yet?)

Author:  Subobisis [ Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought license keys, received keys, registration invalid.

I tried that, to no avail. All I get is a message that says:

"Hmmm... That is not machine-locked yet."

Author:  scancode [ Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bought license keys, received keys, registration invalid.

Subobisis wrote:
I tried that, to no avail. All I get is a message that says:

"Hmmm... That is not machine-locked yet."

Are you sure you're using build21 or greater?
Feel free to contact me if you need further help.

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