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Small Text and Resolution issues
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Author:  Traspler [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Small Text and Resolution issues


I took the opportunity to get the awesome CC on Black Friday and installed it today on my lenovo X200 (Vista).
The first thing I saw, sadly, was a message, that the resolution was unsupported and it would switch to VGA because of that.
Then the game started in a small window. I could switch it to 800x600 which looks decent and I like it BUT:
When I started the tutorial, the text was small... really, really small.
So is there a way to increase the text size?

I tried the "Windowed x2" but that flashed the window and did nothing else...

Author:  undertech [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Small Text and Resolution issues

Since the text is bitmapped I am pretty sure it cannot be scaled in game. Your only solution is to play at a lower resolution. Your best bet is to play in a windowed mode - you can specify any resolution you want that fits in your desktop. If you specify a resolution that is less than half of your desktop, then you can use the 2x windows mode which will zoom the game by 2x. This is probably what you want.
You'll have to edit the settings file by hand to get the resolution you want.

In Cortex Command/Base.rte/Settings.ini:

   ResolutionX = Set to half of your desktop resolution
   ResolutionY = Set to half of your desktop resolution
   TrueColorMode = 1
   PaletteFile = ContentFile
      FilePath = Base.rte/palette.bmp
   Fullscreen = Set to 0
   NxWindowed = Set to 2

Author:  Traspler [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Small Text and Resolution issues

Thank you. I actually had to set it about 40 pixels smaller than half of my resolution to get it to work but now it does ^^

I would still prefer the text size doubled (For the Tutorial text, not the Menu text). But if that can not be changed I can at least read it now.

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