Data Realms Fan Forums

CC B22 startup crash [Fixed.]
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Author:  Talent [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  CC B22 startup crash [Fixed.]

Hey all,

Cortex Command build 22 is acting a little... strange. First off, I have no mods installed (although I had the NVC mod installed back during build 20), and it is a clean re-install -- I removed all former traces of it that I could find before installing it. What's happening is this: I create a new scene, using any terrain, and I save it in Base.rte. Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm not using anything but the default tile sets -- the ones that come with the game. It plays fine, I mow down a few hundred unfortunate guys, and then I call it good and close CC out.

The next time I try to open it, it crashes. Blows up. Error message and all.
"Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 530, because:
Referring to an instance ('Tutorial Terrain') to copy from that hasn't been defined! in Base.rte/Scenes/Towerspace.ini at line 8!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp' "

This happens regardless of what terrain I choose -- Grasslands, Horiz land, Tutorial, etc. The game blows up immediately and outright, with no error message, if I try to choose the Zombie Cave as a base terrain.

The only way to fix the problem appears to be by doing a clean reinstall.


Author:  Talent [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC B22 startup crash [Fixed.]

Well, I seem to have fixed it for now. I dragged the entire Data Realms folder out onto the desktop, reinstalled CC B22, and then deleted the folder on my desktop.

I created a map, played for a minute or two, closed out, and then re-opened CC and it worked fine. I'm just afraid now, from what I've been reading, that if I install any mods (I'd love to have NVC again) that it'll blow up in my face. Any recommendations to make sure things run smoothly?

Author:  gripen40k [ Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC B22 startup crash [Fixed.]

I'm new to the game and liked the look so I bought it and am trying it out. Pretty cool so far (rough around the edges but shows promise)

I found this error today as well. I made my own scene and it runs fine and all, used a bunch of different tiles in it from the various tile sets. I noticed that when including any tutorial stuff it will crash, or when you have any dummy stuff it will crash as well. I also put some weapons in there just now and they seem to be causing problems as well :/.

You can fix it by removing the problem entry in the ini file mentioned in the error dialog.

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