Data Realms Fan Forums

my scene has problem in B22.
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Author:  Colditz [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  my scene has problem in B22.

i made scene a weak ago.
the scene's name is "2Bunkers".

a few days ago i updated my CC(to B22), so i have to fit the scene for B22.
i made "2Bunkers.rte" directory such as "Tutoral.rte".

Scenes.ini, Terrains.ini, Index.ini, Scenes/2Bunkers.ini....these files are alright!
but Activities.ini making a trouble!!!


AddActivity = GA2Bunkers
PresetName = 2Bunkers Skirmish
SceneName = 2Bunkers
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 5000
FundsOfTeam2 = 5000
CPUTeam = 1

is there anything to fix? CC can't load this file!

"RTE Aborted! - Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 530, because: Could not match property in 2Bunkers.rte/Activities.ini at line 2!"


how can i solve this trouble? :sad:


p.s. my english isn't good, sorry.

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