Data Realms Fan Forums

Video Program (for Cortex Command)
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Author:  Kamahl [ Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Video Program (for Cortex Command)

I´m searching for a program that can record Cortex Command. I tested a few but they all didn`t worked :
My Gamers Cam,
WeGame (didn`t started O.o),
Somebody knows a program that can record CC ?

Once more on German :
Ich suche eine Software um CC aufzunehmen. Ich hab ein paar getestet (siehe oben).
Keins hat geklappt... kennt jemand eins ? btw: jemand deutsch hier ^^ ?

last on french ( i don`t think its correct :-o )
Je cherche une software pour record CC. J`ai testé un peu mais tous les softwares n`ai marché pas... quelqu´en connaît un software ?

Sorry for bad English/French I´m German!

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Video Program (for Cortex Command)

I think a while ago someone used FRAPS... Do you want the sounds and all, or just the video? If you just want the visuals, hold down prntscrn from the beginning of your movie to the end. You'll get a ton of .bmp files in your main directory. You can link those into a video file of sorts.

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