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Author:  ccjav [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Armory???

In some of my bases, it would be awesome if i could create an armory right of the bat... however, whenever you create a weapon in the bunker builder, its unpick-uppable once you start the game.. is there anyway to fix this problem??

Author:  Electroclan [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Armory???

You should be able to pick up weapons you place in the Bunker Editor. However, you have about 25 devices on the field before the ones in the armory start "resting" (AKA turning into terrain). Also keep in mind that trampling the weapons may cause them to rest before you can pick them up.

Once Lua expands, I'm pretty sure someone can make a bunker module which hands out weapons. Hell, you can already do that, but it's restricted to specific scenes that the armory is coded in.

Author:  LowestFormOfWit [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Armory???

I get the same problem on occaision. What I find helps sometimes is making sure the weapon is placed on top of an actor, then switching that actor to AI mode. They usually pick up the gun automatically on their own. Other times however, I get the same problem.

All you can do is "Reload" even though you don't have a gun. Ironically, when the gun placed near them is destroyed, the Reload option disappears, as if the game thought the actor had the gun the whole time, however, the Actor didn't and therefore couldn't fire.

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