Data Realms Fan Forums

Something weird in B21
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Author:  duo9ace [ Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Something weird in B21

In the latest version I found something really annoying. I opened scene editor and chose Tutorial Terrain.
I edited it and tested it. After 30min, the enemy count was like 100 something but with only two dead bodies. Tutorial Terrain was also not a "360 degree" map. So my theory is that the enemy just spawns off of the map and instantly dies...

Any idea how to fix this?

By the by, what does the Area Editor do?

Author:  Beef [ Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something weird in B21

duo9ace wrote:
By the by, what does the Area Editor do?

The area editor creates invisible rectangles which the Lua script for the scene can use for events.

You can use areas to define dropship landing points for the enemy AI or to kill anyone who walks into a certain area.
Both of those examples can be found in \Cortex Command\Base.rte\Scenes\Scripts\Maginot.lua

If you're interested, information and learning resources can be found in viewforum.php?f=73

Author:  duo9ace [ Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Something weird in B21

Thanks beef
I'm sorta new at scripting stuff and this kind of stuff.

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