Data Realms Fan Forums

Application Error when I try to do skirmish.
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Author:  Ehrenmann [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Application Error when I try to do skirmish.

"The instruction at 0x0061e998 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.

Click on OK to terminate the program"

I dunno what's going on here. I wanna play CC. D:>

Author:  Gotcha! [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Error when I try to do skirmish.

Tried the basic stuff already? Reboot and reinstall CC, stuff like that?
Any other programs giving you a hard time as well?

Edit: Or... perhaps there's no activities active. That would crash the game as well. Right as it starts loading the level.

Author:  Ehrenmann [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Application Error when I try to do skirmish.

That was it. Thanks,

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