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2 registered versions of CC (1 key) on 1 PC
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Author:  UsF [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  2 registered versions of CC (1 key) on 1 PC


is it possible to have 2 registered versions of Cortex Command on one PC?
Edit: Both should be registered with the same key.

I would like to have one totally clean and untouched version and another one that I use with mods and maybe for modding myself.

Unregistering and reregistering is cumbersome and not really practical I think.

I heared it might be changed in Release 21 due to a new registration method. Is that correct? If yes, is there any knowledge about what will be changed?

Also excuse my english where needed. :P

Author:  spinaljack [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 registered versions of CC on 1 PC

Why do you need a seperate key for that?
You can just unload mods by moving the mod .rte folders or by using this handy tool: ... tach=27220

by scancode: ... pic=9713.0

Author:  UsF [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2 registered versions of CC on 1 PC

Because of Modifications in the Base.rte or any other standard files. Activities.ini and such. :???:

Edit: I also do not want 2 seperate keys, but tried to ask if it is possible to keep 2 versions of CC with 1 key on 1 computer. Hope this is more clear now. :)

Edit2: Thank you for the mod-loader tool.

Also since my key is working again, I was able to test it and you can indeed have multiple installations on the same PC.

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