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 Turning Glow Off Problems 
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Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:58 am
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Post Turning Glow Off Problems
Personally I think the glow post processing effects look kind of botched and horrible and it slows my computer down quite a bit, so whenever I turn the glow effects off in the Base.rte Settings.ini file and I open the game, the graphics are all fuzzy, grey and in columns which is unplayable.

I changed these two values to 0 as shown here, they were originally 1. Just changing the PostPixelGlow entry won't turn it off for me so I have to change the PostProcessing entry, which results in this problem.

ResolutionX = 840
ResolutionY = 525
TrueColorMode = 1
PaletteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/palette.bmp
Fullscreen = 1
NxWindowed = 1
NxFullscreen = 2
PostProcessing = 0
PostPixelGlow = 0
PixelsPerMeter = 20
PlayIntro = 1

And the game looks like this:


I've been having this problem since the glow effects were added. Any resolution I run in this problems happens but I usually run at 1920x1080 or 1680x1050 depending on what monitor I use although I do fiddle with the resolution values sometimes to play at 1280x720 without 2x pixel scaling. My graphics drivers are all completely up-to-date etc etc. PC specs are top o' the line, i7, HD 7850, 16Gb RAM so on and so forth.

Is there a way to turn the glow off without messing up my game? CC doesn't support multi-threading so I really want to be able to play without all of the stuff which bogs it down (glow primarily) as the game runs pretty bad as it is when lots of stuff is happening onscreen.

If any of you guys know what's wrong that would be awesome. :)

Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:31 pm

Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:58 am
Posts: 4
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Post Re: Turning Glow Off Problems
I noticed a few people with the same problem as me as well, and it seems to go away sometimes but I have no idea why.

Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:41 am
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