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Kubuntu Install
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Author:  Grif [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Kubuntu Install

Flaming Members, even if they banned is not allowed. -WJ

Last night, on a particularly anti-Windows whim, I decide to download the Kubuntu iso.

Two hours later, it's done, and so I put the iso onto a spare CD-R.

Pop it in, shut down, restart. It goes to the default Kubuntu setup. I run a diskcheck, no errors reported. I proceed through the setup, tell the install to repartition my primary drive, etc, etc. No problems.

It installs successfully and reports no errors. I pop the CD out, shut down, reboot. Hey, look, GRUB. Go into Kubuntu 6.10.

Aaaaaaaanad black screen.

No errors reported. I left it to sit for an hour. It stayed on that screen.

Author:  eviltrashcan [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kubuntu Install

I don't know anything about Kubuntu, but I searched around on a few tech forums and found others with black screen problems. Some of them just started a fresh install and it worked fine. Thats all I found through a brief scan on the subject.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kubuntu Install

I've found the problem and it's unfortunately basically unfixable, but I found a workaround.

So thanks for the help.

Author:  MstrNetHead [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kubuntu Install

I'm curious about what the problem was. Have an explanation, or a link to satisfy me?

Author:  Falcon X [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kubuntu Install

And what's with the -WJ thing?

Anyway, I have a solution.


If you have your files backed up, wipe the drive.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kubuntu Install

MasterNetHead wrote:
I'm curious about what the problem was. Have an explanation, or a link to satisfy me?

To clarify, guess what type of laptop I have.




@MrX: It's not needed.

I can just get Feisty Fawn (which I have) and install it in the partition I segregated for Gutsy.

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