M.A.X. Greatest. Stratagy Game. EVAR. Also problem.
First step,
http://abandonia.com/games/en/964/M.A.X.MechanizedAssaultExploration.htmYou'll probably need a DOS emulator, like DOSbox or VDMSound. Both are pretty easily found on google, and I'm in a bit of a hurry to head back to my game in progress.
It's also a review, so you can get a look at the game. (The story is eerily similar to CC in some ways.)
I grew up with this game, and am pleased to say you can play it as well, however, we need people who can help us out.
Me and Empyreal (He says Hi.) have been trying to figure out how to get a multiplayer match going for it, but have been unable to figure it out, so, um, we need help!
I'll be checking this topic every few minutes between turns with 'BASTARD A.I.', as I call him, for any questions about setting up DOSbox, (If you're no good at DOS, use VDMSound, you can right click MAXRUN.exe and just hit use with VDMSound, it'll work easy.)
Also, please note this game has been stripped down... No music, sound, or videos. Still an amazing game though.
Again, any questions, please, ask away.