Data Realms Fan Forums

Here comes Vista!
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Author:  venn177 [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Here comes Vista!

Along with it's problems, I finally got unlazy and went to edit the activities.ini to give myself more start gold to try out more mods at the same time, and it says the file path is incorrect. WHAT THE F*CK!?

Author:  TrouserDemon [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here comes Vista!

I have that exact problem, I fixed it and sorted ages ago. Apparently if it caused by some bastard vista security thingy, but there is a registry fix you can get to fix that. Unfortunately, this was so long a go I forgat where I found it. I suggest you google it until you get the same thing I did.

Author:  venn177 [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here comes Vista!

TrouserDemon wrote:
I have that exact problem, I fixed it and sorted ages ago. Apparently if it caused by some bastard vista security thingy, but there is a registry fix you can get to fix that. Unfortunately, this was so long a go I forgat where I found it. I suggest you google it until you get the same thing I did.

I dumped CC on desktop, now it's working fine...that was REALLY strange. CLOSE PLOX

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