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How do I renew my PC?
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Author:  AquaGeneral [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  How do I renew my PC?

Is it possible to remove Windows XP Media Center Edition and then install Windows XP Media Center Edition?

I have a lot of programs not functioning correctly and a lot of crap on my PC. There is way to many things to delete manually. I have the Windows XP Media Center Edition discs with me but I have no idea how to renew my PC with those disks.

This is quite urgent and I need some help soon.

Thanks In Advance

Author:  Grif [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I renew my PC?

1. Back up ALL information you want to keep. If it's programs you can easily re-download, include a text fil with the names of the programs.

2. Learn how to make your computer boot the CD drive before the hard disk(s). This process varies from computer to computer, google "Editing BIOS in (Your computer manufacturer".

3. Put the disks in, while the computer is on.

4. Turn off computer.

5. Restart computer. If you edited the BIOs correctly, a screen will show up, your CD drive will spin crazily, and you will begin Windows XP setup.

6. Choose to reformat your hard drive. Overwrite the existing hardware section.

7. Proceed through the setup.

That's a very basic guide to reformatting a HD.

Author:  AquaGeneral [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I renew my PC?

I have renewing discs on my HP computer, would it work on my Phillips manufactured PC with a blank HDD?

By the way GRIF my Philips PC is not really a proper PC, it is not featured on there website. Meaning there is no BIOS editing tutorial for my PC at all.

Author:  Kelas [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I renew my PC?

Grif wrote:
3. Put the disks in, while the computer is on.

4. Turn off computer.

5. Restart computer. If you edited the BIOs correctly,* a screen will show up, your CD drive will spin crazily, and you will begin Windows XP setup.

6. Choose to reformat your hard drive. Overwrite the existing hardware section.

7. Proceed through the setup.

*Note, to edit the bios, turn off your comp, turn it back on, and look for something that says "To enter system configuration press ESC."

Once in the bios, (it will most likely look blue and grey) look for something along the lines of "boot sequence". Simply change it to make the Cd drive boot before the hard drive and you're good to go.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I renew my PC?

AquaGeneral wrote:
I have renewing discs on my HP computer, would it work on my Phillips manufactured PC with a blank HDD?

By the way GRIF my Philips PC is not really a proper PC, it is not featured on there website. Meaning there is no BIOS editing tutorial for my PC at all.

You can, without illegal trickery, have only 1 copy of windows on each internet connected PC.

See, if your PC can connect to the net, it uses Windows Update to "validate" your installation and check if it's been used by another PC.

This can be avoided in a number of illegal ways, which I won't go into for fear of banhammer.

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