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Reds at the Gate [Supporting characters needed!]
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Author:  AlphaCommando [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Reds at the Gate [Supporting characters needed!]

Well my last fan fic was a success (until I got bored with the writing), and since I wanted to do something a little more realistic for a story I decided to do it all over agian. The setting is from the perspective of a black ops squad (tasked with assinations, sabotage, etc.) who is fighting a war in 2023. Armed with advanced tech and the matte black future warfighter armor, they do the diry work of the UN army.

In this future the communism that was in China invaded russia, the koreas, and just about anything in Asia and formed a massive Communist collective that in 2014 entered a "Second Cold War" with Europe and other capitalist countries. This "peace" was not to last, on October 12, 2023 the cold war went hot after South Korean freedom fighters detonated a bomb in a factory, destroying it, The collective was quick to point the finger to the West and declared war, the 3rd world war had begun.

So as the last one went, apply for a character in the story by posting your skill (demo, sharpshooter, etc.), weapons (think near future), personality, and anything you see fit. I will be accepting 4 more major characters (all of a different skill) and then 5 more minor characters who will be part of another Black ops group who we team up with often. Try very hard to make your character as 3 Dimentional as possible.
Side note: Everyone has armor similar to the Advanced Warfighter armor in GRAW 2, its just painted matte black.

I have now decided I might turn this idea into a full-blown novel.


My guy
Real: CPT. Garrett Wegmeyer
Name: Alpha
Skill: Rifleman/Leader
Weapon: MR-C (Modular Rifle-Caseless) (6.8mm x 50 round clip) w/ EGLM 40mm Grenade launcher and a Zeiss Optronics AN/PAS-13A scope (x17 zoom), MP7 sidearm and a KM2000 combat knife
Personality: A tatical genious and master of Tae Kwon Do, I have a firm and very professional look at the battlefeild, expecting 200% out of all my men and with an explosive temper I can often put too much stress on the troops. I enjoy a clean and precisely completed mission.

Name: SGM. Kazuki T. Snacks
Nick: Kazuki
Skill: Autogunner/ Second-in-command
Weapon: MG4 Light Machine Gun (7.65mm x 100 round drum), Storm RX sidearm, Shadowsheath combat knife
Personality: Neutral. Not afraid to kill an ally, but only if he had to. Enjoys long missions, especially when they're straightforward "kill or be killed." Sometimes gets a little crazed in battle, etc. Has never had to retreat, and never wants to. Hates it when he is assigned something similar to 'guard duty', as opposed to the alternative of going with the rest of the squad.

Name: SPC. Mark St.John
Nick: Nitro
Skills: Big guy, ok-ly fast, demolitions training and an ex SEAL.
Weapons: K-18 Assault Rifle (7.65mm x 25 round clip) w/ EGLM 40mm Grenade launcher and optional 8x variable zoom scope and silencer, combat knife.
Gear: 20 pounds of XM-8 high density explosives/detonators, 20 meteres of detinote tape and thermite charges.
Personality: Personality: One of the calmest people your ever likely to meet, he's extremely loyal and if force is an option, he'll take it, however; gets a excited around explosives.

Name: SPC. Kyle Kolykov
Nick: Phantom
Skill: Sniping
Weapon: Experimental Ka-77, weapon which produces bullets from sand, water and snow.
Personality: Russian. Shady at first, but quite friendly when you know about him enough.

3 Solid
Name: SPC. John Smith
Nickname: Solid
Skill: Close combat and melee/ also trained as a medic
Weapon: SPAS 14 combat shotgun, Storm RX sidearm, combat knife
Gear: Full battlefeild medic equipment
Personality: Sees the war as a sport. Likes killing, doesn't like talking to others. Has an odd helmet fetish.
Other: He strapped the knife to his wrist. It makes it easier for him.


Name: 1LT. Joanna Luo
Nick: Tex
Skill: Leader of Gladius Squad
Weapon: SCAR-H carbine (7.65mm x 20 round clip) w/ FENIR scope, Storm RX sidearm, PA20 combat knife
Personality: As one of the few women in a Black ops squad let alone the leader of one, she dosent respect the massive flack she gets from her men. An expert in Capoeira and a quick and light recon expert she is a formidable leader, however; she has a somewhat laid back personality often butting heads with the very serious Alpha who's squad hers often teams up with.

Name: SGM. Pending
Nick: Dauss
Skills: Combat Engineer/ Second-in-Command
Weapons: 'Shredder' C67 SMG (45. caliber x 35 round clip), Shotpistol (22 gauge x 5 round clip)
Personality: Quick, serious, but not above a quick one liner or pun. Conserves ammo if possible, : |

Name: SPC. Jeff H.
Nick: Shade
Skills: Observation and stealth
Weapons: Dual razor sharp wrist blades, silenced 9mm pistol, and a set of deadly poisons and darts.
Gear: Advanced eletronic x100 zoom binoculats with a build in radio and laser targeting system.
Personality: Unsocial blood thirsty cut throat that works only for money or interest. Borderline psychotic.

Name: SPC. James A. Yarnick
Nick: Jay
Skill: Support / Medic
Weapon: Predator Rocket Launcher, MP 7 sidearm, PHZ400 combat knife
Personality: A master of any big gun or medical equipment, Reckless but very sympathetic to wounded men, enjoys roasting tanks and groups of infantry.

Holy Mombassa
Name: SPC. Alan Renard
Nick: Hawkeye
Skill: Sniper
Ordinance: Crescent OX351 .50 cal (HE rounds) (Oracle 2, 4, 8, 16x scope), Ballista Magnum (HE rounds)
, Aracnus Air-Fuel Grenades
Personality: Calm and Patient, but a smartass in combat situations. Loves to get up close and personal despite his weapon of choice.

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Why do all WWIII's start in 2023. Well, mine actually starts in 2024, like April I think. But the real beginning is in September or August of 2023, in Denver, Colorado.

Then again 90% of countries cease to exist during my war, and America is forced back across and stuck east of the Mississipp River.

Yay utter chaos.

Author:  Kazuki [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Ooh, I remember this.

Can I join?

Author:  3 solid [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Name: John Smith
Nickname: Solid
Skill: Close combat and melee (shotguns and swords :) )
Weapon: Shotgun, pistol, combat knife
Personality: Sees the war as a sport. Likes killing, doesn't like talking to others. Has an odd helmet fetish.
Other: He strapped the knife to his wrist. It makes it easier for him.

Hows that?

Author:  Fippe [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Name: Kyle Kolykov
Nick: Phantom
Skill: Sniping
Weapon: Experimental Ka-77, weapon which produces bullets from sand, water and snow.
Personality: Russian. Shady at first, but quite friendly when you know about him enough.

Author:  AlphaCommando [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

K you guys are in. and sure Kazuki the more the deadlyer!
@Aleneth: Sounds like a cool story, have anything you would be willing to show?

Author:  Raithah [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Wait ... Alenth, you aren't talking about Pavlocchi Issalov, are you ? Berlin is in WW3 ?!

Can't wait to read what you have to write Alpha :).

Author:  AlphaCommando [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Thank you! If you want to see my former work (before it died), check here plus you can join in the fun if you want.

Author:  Kazuki [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Name: Kazuki
Nick: uh... Kaz?
Skills: Very agile; not much for strength, but can be quick; deadly accurate with the right equipment.
Weapons: 50 caliber sniper rifle, and a Katana.
Personality: Neutral. Not afraid to kill an ally, but only if I had to. Sometimes gets a little crazed in battle, etc. >:3

Author:  AlphaCommando [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Ok, but we allready have a sniper, plus kazuki isn't a real name, that can be you nickname however.

Author:  Kazuki [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

It is a real name ;_;

Oh, and I can't think of anything else that I could do.

Author:  AlphaCommando [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Well give me a full name so that officers can adress you more realisticaly. Plus there is combat engineer, recon/scout, auto gunner, explosives, medic, etc. Also 3 Solid needs to rearrange his character as swords are not a official millitary weapon, and someone needs to be my second in command (I will be very picky).

Author:  Kazuki [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

I have such a hard time trying to name characters ;_;


Kazuki T. Snacks


Also, I guess I'll be an auto gunner...

In which case I'll change my weapons to;
Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle
Combat Knife


Author:  AlphaCommando [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

Ok accepted!

A revised version of my guy

Name: Alpha (Real: Garrett Wegmeyer)
Skill: Rifleman/Leader
Weapon: MR-C (Modular Rifle-Caseless) (5.56mm x 50 round clip) w/ EGLM 40mm Grenade launcher and a Zeiss Optronics AN/PAS-13A scope (x17 zoom), MP7 sidearm and a KM2000 combat knife
Personality: A tatical genious and master of Tae Qwon Do, I have a firm and very professional look at the battlefeild, expecting 200% out of all my men and with an explosive temper I can often put too much stress on the troops. I enjoy a clan and precisely completed mission.

EDIT: I revised you Kazuki:
Kazuki T. Snacks
Nick: Kazuki
Skill: Autogunner
Weapon: MG4 Light Machine Gun (7.65mm x 100 round drum), Storm RX sidearm, Shadowsheath combat knife
Personality: Neutral. Not afraid to kill an ally, but only if I had to. Sometimes gets a little crazed in battle, etc

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A revive of my old fan fic idea

AlphaCommando wrote:
K you guys are in. and sure Kazuki the more the deadlyer!
@Alenth: Sounds like a cool story, have anything you would be willing to show?

I can't show too much, I plan on writing one of the novels this year though(either the first book chonologically or maybe the first book of the Mage Wars, which is not WWII, actually like 30 or more years after).

I might join this once I figure out what it is and how it's a fanfic in any way.

Raithah wrote:
Wait ... Alenth, you aren't talking about Pavlocchi Issalov, are you ? Berlin is in WW3 ?!

Can't wait to read what you have to write Alpha :) .

No, Pavlo is something else entirely, most countries collapse in WWIII as I said.

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