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Absolutly urgent. Nasty virus.
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Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Absolutly urgent. Nasty virus.

Yes, This is Mushrooshi. Yes, I am banned. Yes, I shouldnt be on... But this is absolutely an emergency and is urgent!

There were a set of horrible backdoor trojans, and its really really screwing my WIndows XP SP1 computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno how it got there, but there were 5 seperate trojans and no worms or macros. I scanned and they were all zapped!

Then there was another wave, 21 files infected with a "Zlob" Trojan. I couldnt kill processes so I booted into safe mode and zapped it.

Then there was the "Vundo" Trojan,a dn it had some pr0n spyware too. I dide the same and I took care of that.

NOw Ive ran the scanne twice, and it didnt show up any viruses.

Next there was a serious amount of lag... And I ran it again. I used my arsenal of AVG Free Version, Clamwin, and EZAntivirus. Then the Darksma trojan came up, and 10 mins later it shut down all 3 of the scanners, and put it in the Blank Black screen of death. I cant get my fking computer to boot up! Safemode doesnt work either!!!!!!!!!!

What do I do!!!!!

Author:  Lord Tim [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:12 am ]
Post subject: 

I would recommend buying a new computer.

Or reconfiguring your harddrive by buying a new harddrive.

And then buying a new computer.

Author:  Kokits [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Absolutly urgent. Nasty virus.

pooingcavy wrote:
Yes, This is Mushrooshi. Yes, I am banned. Yes, I shouldnt be on... But this is absolutely an emergency and is urgent!

There were a set of horrible backdoor trojans, and its really really screwing my WIndows XP SP1 computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dunno how it got there, but there were 5 seperate trojans and no worms or macros. I scanned and they were all zapped!

Then there was another wave, 21 files infected with a "Zlob" Trojan. I couldnt kill processes so I booted into safe mode and zapped it.

Then there was the "Vundo" Trojan,a dn it had some pr0n spyware too. I dide the same and I took care of that.

NOw Ive ran the scanne twice, and it didnt show up any viruses.

Next there was a serious amount of lag... And I ran it again. I used my arsenal of AVG Free Version, Clamwin, and EZAntivirus. Then the Darksma trojan came up, and 10 mins later it shut down all 3 of the scanners, and put it in the Blank Black screen of death. I cant get my fking computer to boot up! Safemode doesnt work either!!!!!!!!!!

What do I do!!!!!


Dude. Get your harddrive either wiped, or proffesionally scanned. Usually when you get a ton of trojans like this, you have spyware opening the door for them.

Then, reboot your comp, (not in safe mode, normal mode) with it completely disconnected from the internet. And I mean COMPLETELY disconnected. Only have the power cord plugged in.

Then don't reconnect with the internet until you have a virus protection program installed. Yes, that means buying the disk, and installing it.

That's all I know how to do. If you can't even start it up, then I don't know what else you can do.

Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Kokits: Ive followed your instruction.

Lord tim: We do have newer computers, but this one is just the "workhorse" of them. Imagine it to be a server that still acts as a computer.

Ive got AVG running as well as clamwin, and I am using a flash drive to transfer new programs across. Also, I run the antivirus 3 times on the macbook in windoze mode.

I will be switching to OS X mode, as everyone knows theres only 1 virus on a mac.


I will be booting with my Ubuntu Linux live CD Feisty Fawn 7.04. I am guessing that the nasty viruses wont get me here. :)

Author:  Master Pimp [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:38 am ]
Post subject: 

14:: When you get banne, and you try to evade the ban (make a new account, use a proxy) you will get banned permanently. Same goes for IRC.

You are now banned Mushrooshi permanently.

Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I was not aware of that rule. However, I felt that this was necessary and urgent enough.

I did not create a new account. Kokits said that Empy said that I needed to make a new account (Mushrooshi) to get into Empy labs because PooingCavy wasn't really allowed. I am not here to spam or mess around, I need urgent help.

PS: I messaged Alenth to make sure he knows I am on even though I am banned.

Author:  Nfsjunkie91 [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Master Pimp, stop laying down "the law" like you're an admin.

Author:  Master Pimp [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Im sure it would have been fine if you only used this account to ask for help with the virus but you have also been making other posts with this profile while you were banned.

Besides the viruses are your fault because you like to look at porn and you don't know where to get legit free no viruses stuff.

Nfsjunkie91 wrote:
Master Pimp, stop laying down "the law" like you're an admin.

Hey your the ones who made the rules I would expect them to be followed.

Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Untrue Master Pimp. If you look at my posts, the only ones I made with my account today have been in here. The other posts were from yesterday and back.

And No, I do not look at pr0n nor do I download warez.

Author:  Nfsjunkie91 [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:51 am ]
Post subject: 

First off, Master Pimp, pooingcavy existed prior to Mushrooshi, and from what I see, he has not made any other posts from pooingcavy since his ban than the ones in this topic. Furthermore, he will get a ban extension, if anything. We moderators and admins can make exceptions to the rules. Don't go around playing sheriff, Master Pimp.

Author:  Master Pimp [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

pooingcavy wrote:
Untrue Master Pimp. If you look at my posts, the only ones I made with my account today have been in here. The other posts were from yesterday and back.

And No, I do not look at pr0n nor do I download warez.

"it had some pr0n spyware too"
What do you call that the only places you can get viruses are warez sites and porn sites or crappy browser plugins.

Well fine if you only made posts in here while you are banned then I guess I will step down.

The best way to fix it would be to format your hard drive and reinstall windows.

Nfsjunkie91 wrote:
First off, Master Pimp, pooingcavy existed prior to Mushrooshi, and from what I see, he has not made any other posts from pooingcavy since his ban than the ones in this topic. Furthermore, he will get a ban extension, if anything. We moderators and admins can make exceptions to the rules. Don't go around playing sheriff, Master Pimp.

The people who run this place are too soft.

Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I never download files that are from such shady vendors. Trojans always tend to have spyware and such like that.

Lets move on and post relevant information. The source is no longer important, since the rest of such viruses have came in most likely from a backdoor. I do not wish to start flamewars.

Author:  Master Pimp [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Do you have limewire?

The best thing to do would be reinstall windows that will get rid of every file on your computer and kill all viruses then check with google before you visit any website or download any program by typing in things like Newgrounds has spyware into google and if something comes up that says that it does don't visit the site but if nothing comes up than go ahead and visit it do the same with programs.

You can be your own antivirus. I have no Anti Virus installed on my computer and I download and install avg at the end of each month to run a test and every time it says 0 files found.

Author:  pooingcavy [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Ive rebooted using a Ubuntu Linux CD. Is there a scanner for linux I should use?

EDIT: Never mind, Im going back into windows. Be prepared for a massive list of trojans.

Author:  Master Pimp [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Linux doesn't get viruses therefore I don't think it has any scanners.

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