Data Realms Fan Forums

My Girlfriend's Drawings...
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Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  My Girlfriend's Drawings...

Yeah, I got bored and I've never posted anything to benefit the community of DataRealms, so I'm going to post the couple random drawings (there might only be 1 or 2) that my girlfriend did..Lul.




Author:  Kazuki [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice drawings, but I wouldn't want to meet her in real life...

Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Why? She's a fun person, and she's in the army and will kick your ass.

Author:  The-Masses13 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:05 am ]
Post subject: 

1) Nice pieces. Does she have a (ART) site or something?

2) The army? I no longer doubt here ability to not only kick my ass but kill me. :grin:

- The-Masses

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Probably has a deviantart profile like I do, and a lot of others.

Author:  The-Masses13 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh. EVERYONE'S got a DA profile. I do.

(As do Capnbubs, MaximDude, Elpolodiablo and a few others that I know of)

What is your's, by the way?

- The-Masses

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I haven't put anything up on mine, but it's easier to use than Myspace...

Just afraid to put up any work that I will need full rights to.

Author:  GreenGuy [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Father Venn wrote:
Why? She's a fun person, and she's in the army and will kick your ass.

soo... if i were too...


Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

No, me and my girlfriend do not have a DA profile, as she just does it for fun and if I do something it's normally of hitler and I sell it at school for food. XD And she's not an artist or anything...the word I would use is....hmmm..."multi-talented." XD

Author:  The-Masses13 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

One begins to wonder what you classify as a talent you Nazi...pervert...guy.

And I just read your conversation with those other guys in IRC, what the HELL is the significance of the clipboard?

- The-Masses

Author:  MaximDude [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Father Venn wrote:
No, me and my girlfriend do not have a DA profile, as she just does it for fun and if I do something it's normally of hitler and I sell it at school for food. XD And she's not an artist or anything...the word I would use is....hmmm..."multi-talented." XD

You do hitler stuff and sell them for food?
Are you some hobo-poor-nazi going to nazi shool?

Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

No, one of my friends loves to bake and will gimme food for drawingz=]

Author:  Yukio [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

The army makes men. Nice drawings, though.

Author:  pinkz [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Those drawings are really nice, I especially like the second one.

Author:  Morbo! [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, the second one wins. The first ones a bit odd, but good. They're all good!

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