Data Realms Fan Forums

How much would you pay for CC?
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Author:  Master Pimp [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  How much would you pay for CC?

What is the most you would be willing to pay for CC when it is finished?

I would personally pay $40 top's.

Author:  MaximDude [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Id pay 10 bucks, just like Gmod

Author:  numgun [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd torrent it.

Author:  MaximDude [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

C'mon... Torrenting other games is fine...
BUT CC!!! No way!!!!

Author:  Nfsjunkie91 [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:42 pm ]
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20 dollars is a good price for an indie game like this.

Author:  Master Pimp [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:43 pm ]
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I only torrent games that are made by big time company's but torrenting small indie games is just wrong.

Author:  p3lb0x [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

since there is no 15$ option i choose 10$

Author:  numgun [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:22 pm ]
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The thing is, I cant buy anything since my parents dont give me money for anything extra so I'll grab it through a limewire or a torrent because I have no other choise.

The nasty thing in big company games that you can get through torrent/P2P that might not always work properly and if it has a online multiplayer, the chances of the game being scewed up is even greater. And the size of some games is really f*cking big. Also visiting serial number/ crack sites over the internet put a real hazard to my PC safety.

Imma sry but I'll torrent this. And instead of buying CC, Ill make mods for it.
Hope you guys understand even though I dont give a ♥♥♥♥.

Author:  ProjektTHOR [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd much rather it was OSS :P

Author:  Zashlam [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:54 pm ]
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Torrenting is also illegal.

I would pay maybe 10 - 20 € ( I live in euros ), but you know. It's really hard to determine the price, because it's just a test version. There could be huge huge huge pile of changes coming up ( and there is ), so the game could later on cost like 40 € and be a super good game.

Author:  brinlarden [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Az_440 wrote:
Torrenting is also illegal.

oh no not illegal what would we ever do if we did something illegal :o

Author:  Grif [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:02 pm ]
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I'd pay 20 bucks, but only if the moddability stays. Seriously, moddable games PWN.

Author:  pippin50 [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:36 pm ]
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Grif wrote:
I'd pay 20 bucks, but only if the moddability stays. Seriously, moddable games PWN.


Author:  Empyreal [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thirded. But twenty bucks is probably the max. Although I might go up to 40, if lots of new features were added to moddability and the game.

Author:  numgun [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Az_440 wrote:
Torrenting is also illegal.


Anyways if id give the game a price it would be 15-20 € (22$)
Unless if it becomes completely ''OSHI-'' alike then the price might be higher.

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