Data Realms Fan Forums

The Argument Clinic
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Author:  Zodon [ Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  The Argument Clinic

Ever have the feeling, just after you've went and caused someone to go speechless because of you're obvious superiority over the Diplomatic Art?

Welcome, To the argument clinic!

Here You are free to prove wrong, whoever may be posting.

Of course there are some rules:

-This isn't the abuse clinic

-Completely changing the current argument is to be Abhorred

-There will be no kinds of extremely offensive behavior

-must have sensible logical arguments

-There may be more...

If you are going to Suggest a argument subject please wait until the current one is finished

I will write the Topic Down But please read the ENTIRE current argument.

Topic: (Suggest please.)

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