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Creating a website?
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Author:  Glowsticks [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Creating a website?

Alright long story short, I need to have a website. Does anyone know of any good and cheap hosts? I'mma have lots of images ect.
Any advice greatly appreciated.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website?

I used 000webhost for a while, now I'm switching to dasFree.

Author:  Duh102 [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website? is a good host that also provides mySQL and PHP.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website?

If you want your hosting to be reliable, you probably want to pay for it. Free hosts tend to either limit your bandwidth considerably or be very, very slow.
I'm using HostGator right now, and I haven't had an issue with them yet. Their customer support is really good, and they don't have any bandwidth restraints on even the cheapest account. That said, I think they charge a bit more than other companies.

Author:  Patriot24 [ Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website?

hostgator cons:

* bandwidth is not unlimited. if you are transferring high amounts a lot(see: you actually have a real website). the unlimited clause is total bull♥♥♥♥

* they will shut your ♥♥♥♥ down without a second thought if you have even MODERATE sql usage and you're not on the highest business plan or w.e. it's a joke.


good for websites nobody will ever look at or care about(just be sure your site will never become successful. they don't like success on their servers.)

but hostgator is a decent host otherwise(they will force you to upgrade from the basic even though the basic plan meets your needs if your website is too intense on their servers).

brohost is also an option, but it's run by a kid with little knowledge of business management(I predict it'll evaporate because he has bad business ethic, in maybe two/three years or whenever he graduates college). they have a $2 plan that is fantastic for any small website. speedy and cheap as anything.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website?

Since dasFree failed miserably on me, I found x10 hosting, and can't fault it.

Author:  Geti [ Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Creating a website?

NearlyFreeSpeech are very nice in my experience. I've been using them since moving off the steamwise servers and the only thing I can fault them on is their handling of PHP filesystem i/o, which is essentially sandboxing. Nothing I can't work around, of course, but it would be nicer to be trusted to look after my own files.

Hosting 1BarDesign currently costs me a few cents a day, and cost 9 bucks outright for domain registration. That's a cost I can live with for pretty speedy hosting.

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