Data Realms Fan Forums

Perfect Game
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Author:  caekdaemon [ Fri May 28, 2010 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Perfect Game

We have all seen the Perfect Sandwich Thread, now for something new.
Heres my idea of the Perfect Game...

It whould be a Space Game, where you start in the Stone Age, and work your way up through a Titanic tech tree ( I <3 Tech trees! ), Eventually Reaching the modern age, where you can launch probes and such into orbit, then a manned landing on your moon, a Permanent station in orbit, A landing on another planet in the Solar System, then a Orbital Shipyard. You then send out a Colony ship ( Not FTL Capable ), which goes to another system, and the rest is like GalCiv 2 with a Humongous Tech Tree, Except for the ability to take control of ships directly ( Think X3 ), and Civilians setting up trade routes and such ).

So, Whats your idea of the Perfect game?

Author:  Ociamarru [ Fri May 28, 2010 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Well, me, I've always been obsessed with high levels of interactivity; my idea won't be possible on this side of the century though, but hey, a boy can dream!

It'd have a large environment, a city on an island with some smaller towns surrounding. Everything would be simulated by DMM (, so you could collapse buildings and watch them deform realistically. It'd also use the Euphoria engine ( for realistic animations made on-the-fly. You'd level up different abilities like telekinesis or superhuman strength/speed/etc. and be able to upgrade weapons. It'd be set around 50 or 100 years from present day.

There'd also be multiplayer on much smaller maps for 4 - on - 4 combat in smaller settlements, or in some cases, massive superstructures. You'd still be able to use DMM as a weapon; say the map has a tower someone's sniping from. Get a rocket launcher and blow the base out. There'd be modes like Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, and a few ones I saw from Garrysmod. Like, say, Poltergeist; basically, you'd be able to toss physics objects around (in this case, pretty much everything). But in my version, you'd slowly build up power so in the end you'd be able to launch cars at them, or bust holes in buildings.

My idea of a perfect, FEASIBLE game is basically anything that has good gameplay and a larger use of DMM (yes, gotta have DMM) than The Force Unleashed. Frankly, bending doors, metal panels and trees wasn't enough for me.

Author:  Geti [ Fri May 28, 2010 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Pretty much any of proms more in depth concepts would do it for me.

Author:  MaximDude [ Fri May 28, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Cortex Command that is finished, isn't stupid and doesn't lag.

Author:  411570N3 [ Fri May 28, 2010 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Destructible terrain.
Realistic wounding.
Devs continually add suggested content (weapons, equipment) whilst keeping some level of balance.

Author:  neroe23 [ Fri May 28, 2010 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

FPS, Weapon editor, Matter creator, Ultra Fat-@$$ monsters.

Author:  matty406 [ Fri May 28, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

FPS, Open world, total destruction of every object, VEHICLES, Dynamic weather system, Euphoria... If i think of anything else, i'll add it.

Euphoria's video is worth checking out.

Author:  Natti [ Fri May 28, 2010 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

matty406 wrote:
Euphoria's video is worth checking out.

Yes it was.

Author:  lolinternets [ Fri May 28, 2010 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

caekdaemon wrote:
We have all seen the Perfect Sandwich Thread, now for something new.
Heres my idea of the Perfect Game...

It whould be a Space Game, where you start in the Stone Age, and work your way up through a Titanic tech tree ( I <3 Tech trees! ), Eventually Reaching the modern age, where you can launch probes and such into orbit, then a manned landing on your moon, a Permanent station in orbit, A landing on another planet in the Solar System, then a Orbital Shipyard. You then send out a Colony ship ( Not FTL Capable ), which goes to another system, and the rest is like GalCiv 2 with a Humongous Tech Tree, Except for the ability to take control of ships directly ( Think X3 ), and Civilians setting up trade routes and such ).

So, Whats your idea of the Perfect game?
So Spore without the creature stages. Got it.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Fri May 28, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

lolinternets wrote:
caekdaemon wrote:
We have all seen the Perfect Sandwich Thread, now for something new.
Heres my idea of the Perfect Game...

It whould be a Space Game, where you start in the Stone Age, and work your way up through a Titanic tech tree ( I <3 Tech trees! ), Eventually Reaching the modern age, where you can launch probes and such into orbit, then a manned landing on your moon, a Permanent station in orbit, A landing on another planet in the Solar System, then a Orbital Shipyard. You then send out a Colony ship ( Not FTL Capable ), which goes to another system, and the rest is like GalCiv 2 with a Humongous Tech Tree, Except for the ability to take control of ships directly ( Think X3 ), and Civilians setting up trade routes and such .

So, Whats your idea of the Perfect game?
So Spore without the creature stages. Got it.

Spore is Nothing like that, As spores Space Stage is so dumbed down as to be unplayable, Just like the rest of that forsaken game and spores space stage does not require you to put satallites in space before you even get a ship.

Author:  CCnewplayer [ Fri May 28, 2010 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

FPS , weapon mod editor , char editor , many weapons and many classes.

Author:  Areku [ Fri May 28, 2010 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

CC. Frankly, I think this is the pinnacle of gaming evolution, despite all the bugs that need ironing out. I just can't get tired of playing it, and the ease of making mods makes the replay value theoretically infinite. Say what you will, but CC will always have the most important spot in my little gaming shrine.

Author:  Natti [ Fri May 28, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Areku wrote:
CC. Frankly, I think this is the pinnacle of gaming evolution, despite all the bugs that need ironing out. I just can't get tired of playing it, and the ease of making mods makes the replay value theoretically infinite. Say what you will, but CC will always have the most important spot in my little gaming shrine.

I agree with this. Proper MO-MO collisions and many many many other things need to be fixed, but this will someday become something great. If Data won't stop making this game.

Author:  whitty [ Fri May 28, 2010 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

MaximDude wrote:
Cortex Command that is finished, isn't stupid and doesn't lag.


Also, a lagless 100% accurate flight sim that contains all created air/spacecraft. As a MMO.

Author:  matty406 [ Fri May 28, 2010 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Perfect Game

Dogfights with space shuttles!

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