Data Realms Fan Forums

Damn mouse.
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Author:  whitty [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Damn mouse.

My mouse is being very difficult, and the little scroll thingy in the middle won't register most of the push-click things i do to it. It scrolls through things fine, but won't open up the movement scroll thing or open new tabs, etc.

Time for a new mouse, or just get inside it and clean it out?
I don't want to buy a new one, I love this mouse. ;_;


Author:  Azukki [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Damn mouse.

First, you should probably see if it's still under warranty. If so, see if you can get it fixed/replaced by them.
If not, you could try to clean it and see if that helps. If a broken middle click warrants replacement in your opinion anyways, then the risk of breaking the mouse more is mostly a moot point.
And if it needs replacing, you could just replace it with the exact same model, if you like your current mouse enough for it to be worth bothering with that.

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