With Grif running around with his powers, no misplaced post will ever go unnoticed,
50 warnings will fly out of no where, and everyone will be like, "
Now everyone run for cover, cause the
banhammer has come we are all gunna get banned!
Hes gunna issue a warning for writing a post with
less then two sentences.
MAYBE even for bad mods!!!!Also i bet you im going to get warning for posting this. GJ GRIF WITH YOUR ALMIGHTY POWERS WHICH WILL ULTIMATELY LEAD TO MY BAN! Now to yell at jadestone:
1. we don't care if you have 3 tb.
2. I run cc fine with 16 GB
3. I know im being cheap so what?
4. That much space will prob never be used by single person.
5. This is contributing to being elgible for
Grif-Ban*runs for the hills*
End of Statement.
P.s Grif sorry in advance, since as soon as you see this = BOARD WARNING FROM YOU.
*Gets ready for a week, month or year ban"
User was warned for this post, also please try to avoid using colors needlessly in the future - p3lb0x