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Making old printer/scanner work on vista
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Author:  Areku [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Making old printer/scanner work on vista

So I needed a scanner, but everything is too expensive nowadays.
I decided that I'd put my old (Really old) all-in-one back into working order. It's a HP officejet pro 1150c. Exactly, the famous 12-year old all-in-one for Windows 95. Problem is, I'm running Vista, and the cursed thing doesn't have a compatible driver. I've gone to HP's site, searched all over the internet for it, and had no luck. I found this info in one site saying that the printer part can run on a deskjet 500c's driver, but I don't even care about printing stuff with it. ( The ink tubes are broken... :P ) I just wanted the scanner to work. So, any ideas?

Author:  Raziel [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Making old printer/scanner work on vista

Vista and Windows 7 don't need drivers for printers and scanners.
If it's not detected it won't work.

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