Data Realms Fan Forums

Dead Frontier (zombie MMO)
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Author:  AlienFish [ Sat May 09, 2009 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Dead Frontier (zombie MMO)

Dead Frontier is a free zombie based MMO, it is top down, which will drive a lot of people away but it is fun, the game focuses on teamplay but has a singleplayer feature. The game has over 100 real life weapons and also features barricading.
The game is still not done yet.

You may play Dead Frontier Online as much as you want for free, providing you comply with the rules stated in this agreement. Breaking these rules can lead to account deletion or a life-time ban.

You may not, on any part of this site:
- Swear excessively.
- Post or direct people to pornographic or other extremely offensive material.
- Make excessive personal, out of character insults to other human players.
- Log into an account other than your own.
- PvP against other characters that you own.

Where to play:
Well you can be nice and click this link:

- Attempt to cheat, hack, exploit bugs or otherwise gain an unfair advantage.
- Use bots or macro programs.
- Attempt to buy or sell in-game items/accounts/money for anything outside of the game. The only legal way to do this is via the Official Dead Frontier Shop.
- Deliberately impersonate another player by creating an account with a visually similar account name.

Beginners guide:
Character creation: When making a character, it is best to choose soldier or fireman as the .32 ammo is cheap and fireaxe is good melee, at the start you may as well loot, for a while you should go left and right across the intersection, there is a placea few steps north called normans storage or something, it is a good place for often loot, it is also very close to the start area, to leave the game from the inner city, you must go back to the place you started at in the city and leave off screen like you do to travel from one area to another. If you want to level after you have some cash, I suggest you use melee, sell that penknife if you have one (firemen wont) and use the money from looting to get a crowbar or baseball bat.
If you are a soldier you can use the skorpion you get as long as you have enough ammo.

Aggro: The ammount of zombies that are going to attack the area, it is increased by gunfire and zombie killing.
looting: When you don't increase aggro so you can loot buildings for ♥♥♥♥.
(There is also a more detailed beginners guide on the site, under help)
You may play Dead Frontier Online as much as you want for free, providing you comply with the rules stated in this agreement. Breaking these rules can lead to account deletion or a life-time ban.

You may not, on any part of this site:
- Swear excessively.
- Post or direct people to pornographic or other extremely offensive material.
- Make excessive personal, out of character insults to other human players.
- Log into an account other than your own.
- PvP against other characters that you own.
- Attempt to cheat, hack, exploit bugs or otherwise gain an unfair advantage.
- Use bots or macro programs.
- Attempt to buy or sell in-game items/accounts/money for anything outside of the game. The only legal way to do this is via the Official Dead Frontier Shop.
- Deliberately impersonate another player by creating an account with a visually similar account name.

Where to play:
Well you can be nice and click here

Or you can also click here and not be nice.

OR you can even click here and be a meanie head.

Author:  Seraph [ Sat May 09, 2009 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Frontier (zombie MMO)

However much we would all love this game, simply giving us a long speech about the rules is I'm afraid, against the rules. PM me if you want clarification or want to edit this so I can unlock it.

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