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Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks
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Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

I have Firefox V2, and refuse to update to 3, because it randomly crashes on every machine i've put it on.

This morning, I load firefox, and, it re-set my home page to the 'welcome to firefox' page, all of my history, and bookmarks where gone.

This is the 2nd time It's done this on its own.

I have run anti-virus (avast) and it has not found anything.

apparently whenever firefox sends your computer a thing asking you to update, it deletes all your bookmarks on start up to 'encourage' you to update to V3. Does anyone know what to do to stop this? Or even how to restore my bookmarks? I might seriously end up going back to internet explorer if this keeps up.

Author:  Ophanim [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Update to V3 the random crashing is in your head.

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Ophanim wrote:
Update to V3 the random crashing is in your head.

actually know, it isn't i personally know at least 12 people, who had to uninstall 3, and replace it with 2. It crashes because we're still running XP, instead of Vista, and only certain pages, like wikipedia, and youtube crash. it also crashes when - An image is opened in a new window using any kind of script as opposed to simply right click - open in new window. It crashes when there is more than 1 flash object loaded AT ALL, it crashes when java is used at all, and some PHP causes random crashes. It also automatically crashes after 1 hour and 20 minutes, like clockwork.

Regardless of this however, Delete this thread, I found the backup files.

Author:  Ophanim [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Uh you're retarded. I use FF3 in XP and it does nothing close to that enjoy installing flash/java wrong.

Author:  Wizard James [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Yea.. get FF3, ff2 had that problem of crashing and taking your bookmarks with it

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Wizard James wrote:
Yea.. get FF3, ff2 had that problem of crashing and taking your bookmarks with it

FF2 has never crashed for me. It turns out FF2 AND FF3 have this problem.

I looked it up, it turns out, it archives your bookmarks by date, and whenever there is even a slight update to any version of firefox, or X number of days pass, FF auto-deletes your temporary files, IE History, and due to a glitch, it can also auto delete your bookmarks. its been like this since way before 3 came out.

I found out they already patched for it. what the patch does, is adds that archive of your bookmarks that you can manually load to get your bookmarks back.

its at C:\Documents and settings\USERNAME\application data\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles\randomjibberish.username\bookmarkbackups\date.html

all versions of Firefox do this.

Author:  Wizard James [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firfox Deletes my Bookmarks

Use foxmarks (or whatever they renamed it a few days ago) keep the bookmarks online.. any computer you go to you got them..very handy. i use it because i got over 400 sites bookmarked.

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