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Am I hearing things?
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Author:  BrainFart [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Am I hearing things?

Most of the people I know are lazy when it comes to pronouncing words. That's kind of rude, but sometimes I SWEAR they're insulting me. Yes sounded like "ya ass" what sounds like bwah or bwoy meaning boy an insult in this hellhole. When I catch them on it they say, I didn't say that (they probably mean not exactly) and seem totally unconcerned that I'm hearing crap.

This has caused me great stress I'm even losing hair. Am I being bullied/TORTURED?

Author:  Control [ Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Am I hearing things?

Congratulations, you now know what an accent is.

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