Gentlemen! The D&D thread. Now with a new basement!
Any discussion goes here Here Not here. This is just for the signups. So, since a D&D thread started up and we got talking I figure that I'd start a virtual basement up and we get some D&D play going.
First and foremost - This will be a first come first server deal. Also. It will need to fit a decent shared GMT. I'l deal with this after Christmas.
Second - A campaing will not start until AFTER Jesusday.
Thirdly - I'd prefer maxing the number of players at 5
Number 4 - These are the tools that are going to be used.
The 3.5 SRD - Acquaint yourselves with this. It is what will be used, no exceptions to players.
Hamachi This will be used to connect to maptools.
Maptools this the current version that'll be used.
Skype As per Oph's suggestion I shall run skype instead of TS.
This again - altered a bit.
The current campaign rules
* We are using 3.5 Edition.
* Dying is serious business. You'll have to go through the strict means of reviving comrades. Don't get hurt!
* Try to stick to your alignment. Doesn't mean that you can't be persuaded to do good/bad things, it means that doing good/bad things on purpose will lead to... not good/bad things.
* Prestige classes have strict requirements, and need a tie-in to the campaign.
* Core only when it comes to books. Certain "homebrew" is allowed (IE stuff I add to fit into the campaign).
* Buying and selling items is realistic. No more phantom shop that gives the best deals. Magic items will be hard to buy, and unless you have a good appraise skill (which I shall akin to "haggle/barter"), you'll probably never get your money's worth. - Starting eq is handled as all in thw book costs state. Once the game has begun this rule will apply.
* Roleplaying is required to gain full experience per game. Great roleplaying will be rewarded with bonus xp.
* Food, healing, rest, etc requirements will be enforced. Time and weather will be enforced too. (This may be subject to player experience as it can be a pain in the ass at times. Most likely will be though)
* Gold for each starting character is 1/2 of rollable max for that class. Exceptions may be debated.
* Stats will be determined by a point buy system (point-buy 28). Set every stat to 8, 8-14 = 1 point, 14-16 = 2 points , 18-20 = 3 points, etc. This makes for a nice balance. I'm keeping it.
* This is a dedicated campaign. What that means is that if you're going to play, I expect you to play every following week, barring the occasional situation where you can't show up.
* This rule is adjusted. I require that you do more than a one or 2 time drop in instead. Because of the rule below, the party will shuffle and not everyone committed can play at once... unless someone wants to drop out...
* More people are playing than the limit of 5. Therefore, a player cap of 5 will be enforced, per game. First come first served.
PM ME IF PLAYING! I'll add a list to this post of prospective players. Also, if someone wants to DM I can add a list of intrested DMs ALSO INCLUDE YOUR GMT
DM -
Kamakazibob : GMT -5
Players -
TrouserDemon (?)
Fat Sand Rat