Data Realms Fan Forums

Looking for a headset
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Author:  TheLastBanana [ Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Looking for a headset

So I recently discovered that my sound card that came bundled with my computer upgrade was a Realtek HD card and is pretty much useless. I've tried every remedy there is to get my mic and headphone output working, but none seem to work. So I've pretty much realized that my only choice is a USB headset with a built-in sound card. So now I'm searching around. I've found a couple that I like but none have all the features looking for. And seeing as how you guys all seem to prize your headphones I figured I might as well ask here while I'm at it. This is what I'm looking for:
- Bulit-in sound card
- Plugs in via USB
- Volume control
- Microphone and headphones
- Comfortable
- Preferably, leatherette ears instead of buds
- Preferably, noise cancelling microphone
- Preferably, noise cancelling headphones

If anybody has a pair of headphones like this or knows of one like this, let me know. Price is not an object.

Author:  Zinc [ Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a headset ... 8024212940

And only $30.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a headset

That's pretty much exactly what I'm looking for, but they're not USB connected and I'm pretty sure they use the computer's sound card. That's why I'm buying these, the sound card is non-functional.

Author:  Kazuki [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:18 pm ]

He's giving me special candy for this

[10:50:47] <ComradePyro> Hey
[10:50:47] <ComradePyro> ... Id=3166831
[10:50:55] <ComradePyro> Post that in TLB's thread in GD
[10:51:02] <ComradePyro> I use those and they're ♥♥♥♥ godly

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Looking for a headset

Hot damn, that's just what I was looking for. Thanks Pyro. Also enjoy your free candy Kazuki.

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