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Help with mIRC script.
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Author:  FoiL [ Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with mIRC script.

Lately I've been doing some little things on mIRC, mostly very simple things. Now I want to do something different.

Let's say that I have a .txt called list.txt composed by:

2(number of lines)

Now I want someone to be able to input !search or /search (doesn't really matter to me) and be able to compare what's written after the !search with what's inside the file.
So that when someone inputs !search crap a message is forwarded to the user that inputed the message saying that what he searched exists.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with mIRC script.

/help $read

Author:  FoiL [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with mIRC script.

Falcon X wrote:
Grif wrote:
/help $read

This is a very helpful post. Take notes guys.


Anyway would this be correct?

on *:TEXT:!search*:#chan: {
  $read(list.txt, w,  *$2*)

Author:  Grif [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with mIRC script.

And then if it returns true have it /msg the chan something confirming that.

But yes, that's basically it.

FalconX: Helping and coddling do not have to be synonymous. Making a script for him doesn't get him to learn.

Author:  Daman [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with mIRC script.

FoiL wrote:
Falcon X wrote:
Grif wrote:
/help $read

This is a very helpful post. Take notes guys.


Anyway would this be correct?

on *:TEXT:!search*:#chan: {
  $read(list.txt, w,  *$2*)

#chan? What. Did you mean $chan(Which wouldn't work there)? Or is it actually a channel called #chan? For any channel it's #.

Also get on our IRC if you want real help besides me giving you the answers.

on *:TEXT:!search *:#: {
  if ( $read(list.txt, w, * $+ $2 $+ *) ) {
    /msg $chan This word is in my database.

Author:  FoiL [ Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with mIRC script.

Daman wrote:
#chan? What. Did you mean $chan(Which wouldn't work there)? Or is it actually a channel called #chan? For any channel it's #.

Also get on our IRC if you want real help besides me giving you the answers.

on *:TEXT:!search *:#: {
  if ( $read(list.txt, w, * $+ $2 $+ *) ) {
    /msg $chan This word is in my database.

Thanks, that works(captain obvious no?).

The #chan was a generic channel, I'm making tests with some things and I don't want my scripts to kick in every time.

I'm on my way to irc now.

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