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Simple scripts |
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Author: | Ophanim [ Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:22 pm ] |
Post subject: | Simple scripts |
To improve your day to day life in mIRC. Example: Easies calc script in the world. /calc /echo $chan $calc( $+ $$1- $+ ) Put it in Aliases and you're done. In before Daman being an elitistfag. |
Author: | Daman [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:13 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Simple scripts |
Here's my simple hangman bot. --hmbot.mrc Code: alias /writtest { write -c topscores.txt ffffffffff } alias /shittest { write -i $+ $readn $mircdir\topscores.txt %$2.score $+ * $+ $1 } alias /midtest { /msg $chan $mid(♥♥♥♥, 3, 3) } alias /hangmanoff { unset %hm* | /msg $chan /hangmanoff alias executed } //The %hm stuff in this next one are your settings!!!!!!!!! They are important!!!!!! The variables are obvious!!!!! Don't touch %hmhangman or %hmvisibles alias /hangmanon { if ( %hmhangman != on ) { set %hmword $read(hangwords.txt) set %hmvisibles $str(*,$len(%hmword)) set %hmlives 8 set %hmhangman on set %hmchan #putyourchannelhere var %x = 1 while ( %x <= $len(%hmword) ) { set $+(%,hmletter,%x) $mid(%hmword, %x, 1) set $+(%,hmvisibles,%x) - inc %x } } else { /msg %hmchan %hmhangman is set to on still } /msg $chan /hangmanon alias completed without ♥♥♥♥ } alias delete.ll { if ($lines(topscores.txt) >= 11) { write -d 11 topscores.txt } else { break } } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ( %hmhangman == on ) { if ( $len($1-) == 1 ) { if ( $1- isin %hmsaid ) { /msg %hmchan letter has been said already. | halt } set %hmsaid %hmsaid $1 var %n = 1 while ( %n <= $len(%hmword) ) { if ( $($+(%,hmletter,%n), 2) == $1 ) { set $+(%,hmvisibles,%n) $upper($1) } inc %n } var %z = 1 while ( %z <= $len(%hmword) ) { var %hmconcealed = %hmconcealed $+ $($+(%,hmvisibles,%z), 2) inc %z } if ( $1 isin %hmword ) { /msg %hmchan $nick got a letter right! Word: %hmconcealed .writeini highscore.ini POINTS $nick $calc($readini(highscore.ini,POINTS,$nick) + 1) /set %nick.score $readini(highscore.ini,POINTS,$nick) var %a = $lines(topscores.txt) while (%a) { if ( $gettok($read(topscores.txt, %a), 1, 42) <= %nick.score ) { if ( $gettok($read(topscores.txt,%a),2,42) = $nick ) { write -dl $+ $readn topscores.txt } else { write -l $+ $calc(%a + 1) topscores.txt $read(topscores.txt, %a) write -l $+ $readn topscores.txt %nick.score $+ * $+ $nick } if ($lines(topscores.txt) >= 11) { write -d 11 topscores.txt } } dec %a } /msg %hmchan $nick now has4,1 $readini(highscore.ini,POINTS,$nick) $+ points. } else { dec %hmlives /msg %hmchan $1 is not in the word. You have %hmlives left. inc $+(%,%hmchan,wrong) } if ( %hmlives <= 0 ) { /msg %hmchan You have lost. 0 lives left. The word was %hmword | inc %hanglosses | inc $+(%,%hmchan,losses) | unset %hm* | halt } if ( %hmword = %hmconcealed ) { /msg $chan Congratulations, you have won. | inc $+(%,%hmchan,wins) | unset %hm* } } else if ( $1- isin %hmword ) && ( $len($1-) >= $len(%hmword) ) { /msg %hmchan $nick guessed correctly! The word was %hmword $+ . Congratulations. | inc $+(%,%hmchan,wins) | unset %hm* } } } --hmcommands.mrc Code: on *:TEXT:!wordlist:#:{ /msg $chan There are $lines(hangwords.txt) lines in hangwords.txt currently. } on *:TEXT:!addword *:#:{ if ( $$2 !isalpha ) { /notice $nick Words including numbers are denied. | halt } var %exst = $read(hangwords.txt, w, $$2) if ( %exst != $null ) { /notice $nick That word already exists. | halt } write hangwords.txt $$2 msg $chan $$2 has been added to the wordlist. } on *:TEXT:!removeword *:#:{ var %f = $read(hangwords.txt, w, $$2) if ( %f = $null ) { /notice $nick Sorry, that word does not exist. | halt } write -ds $+ $$2 hangwords.txt $$2 msg $chan $$2 has been removed from the wordlist. } on *:TEXT:!letters:#:{ /msg $chan %hmsaid } on *:TEXT:!highscores:#:{ /msg $nick 1.4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,1),1,42) points By4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,1),2,42) $+ . /msg $nick 2.4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,2),1,42) points By4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,2),2,42) $+ . /msg $nick 3.4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,3),1,42) points By4 $gettok($read(topscores.txt,3),2,42) $+ . } on *:TEXT:!hmon:#:{ /hangmanon } --topscores.txt(You just need to make this. Leave it empty.) Code: --highscore.ini(do the same) Code: --hangwords.txt(Words blah blah also this is my actual file rofflelol) Code: furry yiff goatse niggers awesome ♥♥♥♥ popsicle Mrxisafaggot CortexCommand Pedophile Calculator Speaker Ruler Headset Microphone Gmod Shizzzzelejal iMac computer butts Yeahshutupyourbuttalsolongwordlol Queer ephebophilia So. |
Author: | venn177 [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:15 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Simple scripts |
Post an uno script, would you? |
Author: | Daman [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:23 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Simple scripts |
venn177 wrote: Post an uno script, would you? I've never made an uno script? That was some shitty script WJ downloaded. I don't even like UNO. |
Author: | venn177 [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:24 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Simple scripts |
I thought bunmo or somebody also had a bot in #uno for awhile... |
Author: | Daman [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Simple scripts |
venn177 wrote: I thought bunmo or somebody also had a bot in #uno for awhile... Meme did but it was the same bot because it's a script you can just grab off GOOGLE. He did it when WJ stopped. But then nobody cared about him and he stopped. |
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