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Graphics card help
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Author:  Funtastic [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Graphics card help

Hey all, my hard drive recently melted itself due to my towers poor design(Thanks a f***ing ton, Dell)
Fortunately, it melted under warranty and I recently received a new one, and I managed to back everything up on an external hard drive before the melting, so its all good.

Or so one would ASSUME.

For some reason, I cannot access the catalyst control center for my ATI Radeon graphics card, adn anytime I try and re-install any drivers, they all say " Setup was unable to find components that can be installed on your current hardware or software configuration. Please make sure you have the required hardware or software." Even though my graphics card hasn't left it's place at all since it was first installed.

Now, I don't remember the exact model of my card, so I can't look up the exact driver I need and thats what I'm thinking the problem is. Does anyone know how I can find out the exact model of my card? I already tried looking at the actual card, but it doesn't say anything, all it has is some embossed flame on a plastic cover with "ATI RADEON" etched in it.

And I tired the ATI forums but for some weird reason ther is a complete and utter lack of a "POST NEW TOPIC" or "POST REPLY" button. It's a mystery how anyone posted anything there.

Fortunately, this forum is full of tech-minded people, so I'm wondering if anyone out there might have the solution to my quandry? All help qill be more than appreciated.

Author:  Wildstar [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Graphics card help

Fortunately, this forum is full of tech-minded people, so I'm wondering if anyone out there might have the solution to my quandry? All help qill be more than appreciated.

Unfortunately I am not one of them. Anyway, I have a question that fits into this topic. How do I figure out what Radeon driver is right for my computer (Vista 32-bit, GeForce 7100/NVIDIA nforce 630i)?

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