Re: TI Calculator Programs.
Some calculators, mainly the texas instrument graphing calculators are being banned from test use, because they can use word processing programs to save crib notes for cheating. A teacher once told me that nowadays math class is to teach students how to use calculators, and what formula to use in what problem.
Having your calculator able to save formulas like this, and solve equations simply by entering in the correct numbers, is taking the highway to having them banned outright.
The line between calculator, laptop, and palmtops is being blurred, and one day you might find yourself on a worksite, perhaps construction. Not knowing how to solve a problem, because you left your calculator with the formulas on it, at home.
More commonly, you might find yourself on a gameshow, not knowing how to solve a problem to win that million dollars!
Short version:
If you don't feel like reading my ramblings, think about how important memorizing your times tables was to your school career. You didn't always have a calculator handy for 7 x 8.